Well, I suggest you to download ALSA driver and shall work for you.
But as I know you are pretty new to linux, I found a detailed instruction to install it. Don't worry, at first look complicated but is easy and simple.
Here is the detailed instruction I found on other site:
first :-
lspci | grep Audio
and then u get the type of your sound card
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)
second :-
then download the lastest alsa Driver ,asla Util and alsa Lib from www.alsa-project.org
In a shell type these commands:
Make a directory to store the alsa source code in.
These are single command per line ie. type one by one.
cd /usr/src
mkdir alsa
cd alsa
cp /downloads/alsa-* .
Now unzip and install the alsa-driver package
bunzip2 alsa-driver-xxx
tar -xf alsa-driver-xxx
cd alsa-driver-xxx
./configure --with-cards=hda-intel --with-sequencer=yes;make;make install
In a shell type these commands:
Make a directory to store the alsa source code in.
cd /usr/src
mkdir alsa
cd alsa
cp /downloads/alsa-* .
Now unzip and install the alsa-driver package
bunzip2 alsa-driver-xxx
tar -xf alsa-driver-xxx
cd alsa-driver-xxx
./configure --with-cards=hda-intel --with-sequencer=yes;make;make install
In a shell type these commands:
Make a directory to store the alsa source code in.
cd /usr/src
mkdir alsa
cd alsa
cp /downloads/alsa-* .
Now unzip and install the alsa-driver package
bunzip2 alsa-driver-xxx
tar -xf alsa-driver-xxx
cd alsa-driver-xxx
./configure --with-cards=hda-intel --with-sequencer=yes;make;make install
Now unzip and install the alsa-lib package
cd ..
bunzip2 alsa-lib-xxx
tar -xf alsa-lib-xxx
cd alsa-lib-xxx
./configure;make;make install
Now unzip and install the alsa-utils package
cd ..
bunzip2 alsa-utils-xxx
tar -xf alsa-utils-xxx
cd alsa-utils-xxx
./configure;make;make install
after that add this to shell
#modprobe snd-hda-intel;modprobe snd-pcm-oss;modprobe snd-mixer-oss;modprobe snd-seq-oss
then type
and it will work automatically then type
to check than every thing is unmutted then every thing is ready to work just play your favorite track and just smile.
Thank you! to ADAM who compiled these instructions.
This might look hard but actually its repeated steps.