« Last post by DarkGarnet on March 10, 2017, 07:45:01 PM »
Thank you very much, Dalek. I tried again to get the mic to work, but the computer started doing funny things and refused to connect to the internet. My dad had to plug it in to a wired connection to get it fixed. He also did some searches and found out that other people had been having the same problem. Apparently there was something my computer didn't have that it needed in order to use the mic, so it was trying to use the mic and it couldn't. That was what made the computer act funny. After he got that fixed, I decided that I didn't really want the trouble of figuring out what it needed to be able to use the mic. Maybe I'll get an exterior mic sometime, but I think I won't mess with this 10 year old computer any more. Thanks again for your response.