Hmmm, sort of the same thought here. Simple but I don't know if this will work or not. Do you have a file called .bash_login in the home directory? Something like this:
root@fireball / # ls -al /home/dale/.bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 dale users 127 Dec 8 2008 /home/dale/.bash_logout
root@fireball / #
The contents of my file for a user is this:
root@fireball / # cat /home/dale/.bash_logout
# /etc/skel/.bash_logout
# This file is sourced when a login shell terminates.
# Clear the screen for security's sake.
root@fireball / #
All it does is clear the screen. For my root user:
root@fireball / # cat /root/.bash_login
setterm -powersave off -blank 0
cd /
root@fireball / #
On this one, it disabled the powersave since I want to see my screen when compiling in a console. Long story.
Since you are using a GUI to do this, I'm not sure it will work. I would put the following in the file for whatever user you are using and see if it works:
cd /media/Slideshows
I'm not sure if the GUI browsers read that file tho. Just add it to it and see if it works. If not, just remove it again.
You may also want to try:
Since you are typing that into the GUI, it should see that.
I gave examples to sort of let you see that the file accepts commands just like you type into a console.
Hope that helps.