Although a longtime user of Kubuntu, I'm about ready to switch to another distribution, if I can find one with more privacy.
Recently I've been checking out privacy policies with Kubuntu, and find them seriously lacking. No sooner do I manage to get rid of one search, index, or log of past use than I find another. I don't use Facebook or other social sites, nor do I wish my computer resources wasted on searching programs I never use.
Bloatware and lack of privacy (viruses and malware) were the reasons I switched from Windows. Now, that bloatware is intruding on Linux.
Is there a method that will get rid of all that, what I think of as, junk? A few minutes ago, I found instant message programs running in the background, I got rid of them, but what else have I missed? Zeitgeist, Amarok, music and movie players keeping lists (constantly updated) just to name a few. I read that local searches also go to Facebook, Google and that crap. I stopped those, but still feel unsafe.
I'm a fiction writer. I do a lot of internet research. Lately, the last few years, whenever I search on a subject, I have to go down ten or twenty pages for relevent information. The first pages are nothing but sales attempts.
Oh, for the good old days on the internet, without web browsers or commercialization. Those were a time where anyone trying to sell something over the internet were "flamed." There was one lawyer, I forget his name, that kept trying. When spotted, he invariably recieved so many flame emails that he'd lose his provider.
My question is "Can you *Shudder!* suggest a distribution that keeps less personal data on files and activities?"