found the answer off another website
1. make a folder in /mnt
mkdir /mnt/usbdrive
(you can subsitute usbdrive with anything)
2. open fstab using you favourite editor
fstab is located here:
3. Insert following line
/dev/sda1 /mnt/usbdrive vfat noauto,user,rw 0 0
(replace "usbdrive" as required)
4. Plug in your usbdrive
5. Run the following command
mount /mnt/usbdrive
6. enter the drive
cd /mnt/usbdrive
7. Run the following command to see what is on the drive or you can just open from the icon on the desktop
ls -al
Hmmm dun think it answers the original question (was on fedora?), but I found that little tutorial on mounting usb on RH9 quite useful =)