I joined in the LinuxSolved.com today only and found that, the site is having lot of stuff (of course importent only) only to squid only. Linux is not only squid and it is more.
and found that, most of the people are asking good questions and practical problems, but noticed that, they are forgetting the basic underlying concepts and technology.
for solving or learning, in my best opinion is to fully understood the concepts behind it. it does not matter whether the concept is big or small. it is having its own importence.
My sincear advise to new linux community is that, please understand the concepts and work hard to learn concepts better. if you know what is going behind screents, it is very easy to troubleshoot or diagnose the issue without much sleepless nights.
and observed that ( of course not in this web site, i am talking about as a general), which one is good windows or linux ( Unix).
It is a million dollar question and everbody is having their own opinion. as a administrator our responsibility is to give best to the organisation taking into consideration of so many thinks into mind.
it does not matter which one is good or which one is more powerful then other. as a bad perseption in the Unix / Linxu community is that, who are good in unix or linux is more powerful and windows administrator or users are worthless.
it is absolutely bad practive and we as a true professionals are opposte any individua or organisation, what we need to do, we need to take care of organisation interests as well as end user interests.
I think you will agree with my opinion and if any body hurts with my writing, i am sincerely execuse me.
Best of luck and meet you daily