I use some forum which provide a spelling before posting. Since i am french i find it nice in order that the rest of the world will understand what i am saying.
Form what i see in the linux world, there is a lack of troubleshoting doc.
If you can built a troubleshoting database by finding all the solution you can get your hand on and put it in one plase with ease of search and detaild solution. That would be great.
Every time i run in some probleme there is no help button, there is nothing in the help of the system, user are left to themself to fix it.
I notice that depending on system distro the same file is at a diffrent place depending on the distro. when i use the find file there is sometime 2 or 4 different file that appers. this is very confusing and since i do not want to mess thing up more than it is already i do not want to touch anything. i like GUI for they do the command with all the setting.