Hi Ricky, I've been just reading the www.smoothwall.org manuals and they require me to adopt DHCP to assign dynamic IP's to my clients and thats something that I cannot do since My Client's IP's are statically assigned. Now I'll be a bit more specific about the prob. My ISP has assigned me a IP on his network ie say like network and mines on and this Linux MAC with the Squid has these two Nic's assigned with the same. Now I read about the Transparent IP caching and that does sound exactly like what I need but I hope whats written below holds true:
Configuring Squid
You need at least Squid 2.X to use transparent proxying. Once you have it installed and running, little additional configuration is required. Edit /etc/squid/squid.conf and make the following changes.
httpd_accel_host virtual
httpd_accel_port 80
httpd_accel_with_proxy on
httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
After you’re done, restart Squid with
/etc/rc.d/init.d/squid.init restart
Client configuration
The best part of the client configuration is that there’s none. Clients think that they’re directly connected to the Webserver, without an intermediate proxy server in between. This means that you can use almost any type of client from behind your firewall, even if it doesn’t have proxy or firewall support.
Now after reading the above I configued my Squid.conf likewise and tried downloading mails off the remote server From Outlook... What happened was I got this error:
The Host 'mail.xyz.com' could not be found. Protocol:POP3, Port:110, Secure (SSL): No, Socket error: 11001, Error Number:0x800CCC0D
and I'd read in once place... that if one wanted to Install the transparent PRoxy option it needs to be configured in the kernel... and if it is not then I'd hsvr to recompile the kernel... :?