Ok, this is a very painful experience,i wanna share it if u do compile from sources.
What can be done here is, study how compilation in linux/unix goes
1. ./configure
2. make
3. make check
4. make install --> this will install to ur linux directories.
Before u ever ever ever do 4, which will let the system rock, DONT MAKE INSTALL FIRST.
Read the makefile --> CHECK THE install: segment.
See wat the files they copy and where to.
Wat im trying to say here is in order to uninstall, get the all the binary files (executable and share library) here from the source folder. Write a script and remove this binaries.
That's all.
If u have installed it.... well, what u could do only is to
make a not so wild guess:
1. Use which and look for the binarys u located.
A few info here should be taken note is:
1. /usr/local is where third party softwares are installed
-->include (the header files)
--->lib (library files)
---> bin and sbin (all are binary files)
2. /usr/share/ where all the applications documents and icons, images and .... so on are stored here