Hey !
You had me worried there.
Well I searched through all the posts regarding squid but could not find an answer to my particular problem.
I want to block sites based on domain names from a file
such as
acl banned dstdomain "/usr/local/squid/etc/block"
and I deny it with
http_access deny banned
as can be seen from the portion of my squid file included in the previous post
where 'block' is the file containing the list of domain names I want blocked.
This file has the required format of one domain per line. In fact I got it from the link given in the Squid FAQ, ACL chapter.
But I find that inspite of inserting these lines I am still getting access to the sites listed in my block file.
I need to know if there is a particular order to be followed for the acl and http_access list ?
Also am I making a mistake in placing the file, /usr/local/squid/etc/ ?
Because I am not getting any error ! Mostly it serves me without trouble, occasionally complaining of DNS resolution problems. I would blame my
ISP' s DNS server behaviour.
Only strange entry in my 'cache.log'
Rebuilding storage in /usr/local/squid/var/cache (DIRTY)
what does this '(DIRTY)' imply ?