What version of linux would be best for an old AcerNote Lite 370PC?
I have full spec as follows:
CPU: Intel Pentium
CPU Clock: 133Mhz
System DRAM: 32MB
Video DRAM: 1MB
Floppy Disk: external 3.5" 1.44MB
Hard Disk: 1378MB
CDRom: 4x (though at the moment cannot boot from cd)
Expansion: pre-USB (but has 2x expansion card slots, where i used to have a USB2.0 expansion card installed, when it ran broadband..amazingly)
anything else you wish to know feel free to ask, but I really need an OS on this looking at the black and white bleakness of dos is upsetting me!
I lost windows 98 when i foolishly wanted to see what windows 1.0 looked like. to find it totally ruined my system. so PLEASE HELP!!!! i miss showing off the fact that my old 133 ran faster than my new vaio (not in EVERY respect.. mainly showed off the fact that in the decade i've had it, it NEVER CRASHED).
Please also state where i can get this software for my old pc, i don't want names fired at me if i dunno where to even start finding them!
email/IM me if u have alot to say on the issue