I have been using Fedora core 3 in my computer. But I wanted to install Fedora core 5. I downloaded the iso images of test 2 version and tried installing it. Well unfortunately I couldn't install it because of some bug in the version (it wouldn't say what bug nor did I know how to find the bug). So gave a try to fc4. Strangely I couldn't install it. This time it didn't go any further to even display the fc4 screen. Well I have a SATA hardrive. Many of my friends had a problem with installing fc4 in a system having SATA hardrive. I presumed that even I had the same problem.
I had uninstalled some programs from the existing fc3. When i wanted to reinstall it asked me for the installation cd's which i had lost. And even collecting the rpms ( and the pestering dependency problems) was way too a painful thing to do. so i thought of going for a fresh installation of fc3. So now I downloaded the iso's for fc3, checked the md5sum. When i try to install this time i got this error...
Loading isoLinux: Disk error IO , AX = 4280, drive EF
So then I tried downloading mandriva (latest)and tried installing it. THis time i got the same kind of error.. (with AX = different)
isoLinux: Disk error IO , AX = 4800, drive EF
Can anyone figure out what is happening? If so can u help me??
Hardware: Intel 865 GBF, SATA hardrive (SEagate), Intel 32 bit 3GHz.
Thanks in advance[/COLOR]