first, I added the DNS of our ISP in the dhcpd.conf
option domain-name-servers, aaa.bbb.ccc.eee, aaa.bbb.ccc.eef
still, i can't browse and can't retrieve email.
then I replace (dhcpd.conf) the router from to (the computer with two network cards, from which one of those cards goes out to the internet).
then after that, i can retrieve and send email and surf the internet without specifying any proxy server in the browser, and definitely I am very happy!
Thank you very much sir!!!
now, with this kind of setup, a few problem will arise, my problems are :
1) all users can connect to the internet whenever they want
2) I don't really know what'll be the effect to our network if I assign the as the router
3) I don't know what'll be the effect to our network if I add the DNS server of the ISP.
4) can I use hostname in acl ? like
acl src kenchix1.domain1/24 so i'll just put the hostname of the user instead of the ip address ?
5) Im all mixed up on how i can block unauthorized users of the internet in our network.
Thank you very much sir for your help.