Trying to install 'screen' from .tar.gz source code. It wouldn't. configure stopped, after a while, with the following error message:
configure: checking socket implementation...
- you are normal
- both sockets and fifos usable. let's take fifos.
configure: checking select return value...
- select can't count
configure: checking for tgetent...
configure: checking libcurses...
configure: checking libtermcap...
configure: checking libtermlib...
configure: checking libncurses...
configure: error: !!! no tgetent - no screen
debian:/home/lugo/.screen/screen-4.0.2# updatedb
ebian:/home/lugo/.screen/screen-4.0.2# locate libtermlib
debian:/home/lugo/.screen/screen-4.0.2# locate libcurses
debian:/home/lugo/.screen/screen-4.0.2# locate libtermcap
debian:/home/lugo/.screen/screen-4.0.2# locate libncurses
Apparently because tgetent is not installed??
Couldn’t find ‘tgetent’ in; but seems to be a component of ‘termcap’:
“The Termcap Library
The termcap library is the application programmer's interface to the termcap data base. It contains functions for the following purposes:
* Finding the description of the user's terminal type (tgetent).
* Interrogating the description for information on various topics (tgetnum, tgetflag, tgetstr).”
So if I install termcap.3.1.tar.gz, something like that, will I be able to install screen?
Did install termcap and then screen. However when screen is run it says:
'Cannot find termcap entry for 'linux''
and won't run.
Thanks any ideas.