Man, WINDOZE really makes me fall asleep. It's so freaking slow on bootup especially when i install more and more programs.
The worst things, is the LAN browsing really sucks, ip refresh also sucks. Wat are they doing to the network.
Even my pet dog also know that thing is slow. Coz, he's waiting for me to feed him. Hahahaha
For me, well, im currently using Slackware, steady, stable, any applications are intalled without headaches, i can compile my kernel 247, as i eally like to test the features in the kernel. Hahaha, crazy me. Currently trying the HIBERNATE feature on my FTEC notebook.
KDE has always been so cool, so fancy navigations and lot's of fun in using it. If u have learn and really into using it, u can feel life is never the better. When im doing my programming(BASH PROGRAMMING, C/C++, MAKEFILE) I use kate, it works great.
Wat i can say is it's a very complete Desktop Environment.