I am having one Linux Server(Redhat 7.1) with Sendmail.Today i have faced the following error like this ...................
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(reason: 553 sorry, you have not authenticated for relay and <stephenbabu@rediffmail.com> is not a local address. (#5.7.1))
----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to mail.nagamills.com:
>>> RCPT To:<stephenbabu@rediffmail.com>
<<< 553 sorry, you have not authenticated for relay and <stephenbabu@rediffmail.com> is not a local address. (#5.7.1)
550 5.1.1 <stephenbabu@rediffmail.com>... User unknown
This error happend to all my users when i am sending a mail otherthan my domain like the abv example.I can able to send and receive the mails from user@mydomain.com...
But i can receive all the mails from mydomain.com and as well as from otherdomain.com...
Pls help me.....